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 EOD―Explosive Ordnance Divisionの存在については皆さんよくご存知だと思います。以前にも、当ブログで装具がかなり特徴的な192nd Ordnance Divisionについての記事を投稿しました。彼らはRanger等に付随するEODだそうですね。ではグリーンベレー、特にCIFではどうなのでしょうか。

In addition, USN EOO forces are assigned to special contingency operations at sea and ashore (Naval Special Warfare [NSW] and Commanders In-Extremis Force [CIF]) [2]陸海空海兵の4軍共同で発表の書類より引用。NSWとCIFに随伴するとの記述がある。

The USN EOD mission is to support national security strategy by providing forces capable of conducting land and underwater detection, identification, render safe, recovery, field evaluation, and disposal of explosive ordnance. [2]

ざっと訳すと、「海軍EODの任務は、地上と水中における(爆発物の)検出・同定・安全の確保・修復・場の判定・爆発物処理を行う部隊を(NSWやCIFに)供給することによって、国の安全戦略を支援することである。」という感じでしょうか。SFの中には爆発物処理のスペシャリストが存在しないので海軍から派遣されている、というふうです。同じような理由で、Fused Responseのような規模の大きな訓練には、18Dよりさらに上の資格を持つPJが派遣されてくる…ということのようです。

Special Forces personnel conduct a training exercise during Fused Response 2014. The exercise, sponsored by U.S. Southern Command and executed by Special Operations Command South, aims to improve interoperability, tactics, and training techniques between U.S. SOF and Belize Defence Forces. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist First Class Elisandro T. Diaz/Not Reviewed)


Special Forces personnel conduct a training exercise during Fused Response 2014. The exercise, sponsored by U.S. Southern Command and executed by Special Operations Command South, aims to improve interoperability, tactics, and training techniques between U.S. SOF and Belize Defence Forces. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist First Class Elisandro T. Diaz/Not Reviewed)
前述のFused Responseから。Mk18 mod0にコールサインはCN2(C+Navy)というわかりやすい装備です。ハイドレーションを装備していることから、想定している作戦行動時間が長いことが予測できます。

Special Forces personnel conduct a training exercise during Fused Response 2014. The exercise, sponsored by U.S. Southern Command and executed by Special Operations Command South, aims to improve interoperability, tactics, and training techniques between U.S. SOF and Belize Defence Forces. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist First Class Elisandro T. Diaz/Not Reviewed)
同じ隊員を別角度から。ODA関係の人間はヘルメットがほぼOps-core Fast Ballistic Maritimeなのに対し、こちらはFast Ballisticを使用しています。

U.S. Special Operations personnel make a tactical assault during an urbanized terrain demonstration for the Joint Civilian Orientation Course at Panzer Kaseme, Special Operations Command Europe in Stuttgart Germany, Sept. 25, 2008. JCOC is the oldest existing Pentagon outreach program, having been held 75 times since its inception in 1948. A Secretary of Defense sponsored program, JCOC is reserved for American leaders interested in expanding their knowledge of the military and national defense. JCOC 76 participants will visit the European Command?s area of responsibility over the 8-day period from Sept. 19th-26.  JCOC participants attend briefings by senior military and civilian officials followed by hands-on experience observing exercises, participating in training and interacting with troops stationed across the globe who are engaged in our nation's commercial, diplomatic, humanitarian and military interests in locations that may be unknown to many Americans.

Special Forces Soldiers secures, the outside of target building, where a known Person of Interest is hiding out during a kill or capture training mission, Germany, 23 Feb 2010. (U.S. Army Photo by: SFC Silas Toney)


On 15 Feb 2010, Special Forces Soldiers exit a building after clearing it. This is rehearsal for a night reconnaissance training mission in Germany.  (U.S. Army Photo by: SFC Silas Toney)        

Crye CAGE Armor Chassisを着たこの隊員もN2なのでEODだとわかります。この訓練では、CIFチームはCJというコールサインのチームとCKというコールサインの2チームで構成されているようなので、EODは基本的に1チームに一人の割り振りだということがわかります。

A U.S. Army Special Forces team assaults a building during a close quarters battle demonstration for Marines with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa in Baumholder, Germany, March 9, 2015. The ability to rapidly secure buildings allows Special Forces teams to complete a variety of missions ranging from hostage rescue to the suppression of enemy forces in an urban environment. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration by Sgt. Paul Peterson/Released)
コールサインこそ隠されていますが、ヘルメットがMaritimeではないこと、ライフルがMk18 mod0なこと…と海軍要素が強く感じたのでここで紹介しました。目をこらすとCNというコールサインが見えてくる気がします。



[1] http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2011jointmissions/WednesdayTurner.pdf(2016年12月3日確認)

[2] http://www.marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/MCRP%203-17.2C%20%20EOD%20MTTP%20for%20Explosive%20Ordnance%20Disposal%20in%20a%20Joint%20Enviroment.pdf(2016年12月3日確認)

US and Belize conduct military exercise Fused Response 2014. [Image 7 of 17]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1187969/us-and-belize-conduct-military-exercise-fused-response-2014>(2016年12月3日確認)

US and Belize conduct military exercise Fused Response 2014. [Image 5 of 17]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1187971/us-and-belize-conduct-military-exercise-fused-response-2014>(2016年12月3日確認)

US and Belize conduct military exercise Fused Response 2014. [Image 14 of 17]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1187962/us-and-belize-conduct-military-exercise-fused-response-2014>(2016年12月3日確認)

JCOC PARTICIPANTS VISIT STUTTGART, GERMANY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PHOTO ESSAY<http://archive.defense.gov/PhotoEssays/PhotoEssaySS.aspx?ID=965>(2016年12月3日確認)

Special Forces Pre-Mission Training [Image 4 of 10]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/263281/special-forces-pre-mission-training>(2016年12月3日確認)

Soldiers Train [Image 18 of 19]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/260969/soldiers-train>(2016年12月3日確認)

Cutting Edge: U.S. Marines, Army Special Forces prepare for Crisis Scenarios [Image 22 of 25]<https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1818470/cutting-edge-us-marines-army-special-forces-prepare-crisis-scenarios>(2016年12月3日確認)

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